Born in 1986 in Hokkaido, Japan, Hidetaka Suzuki currently works and resides in Tokyo, Japan. Suzuki's works often revolve around the ambiguous space between fiction and reality, depicting fleeting moments of daily life and seemingly trivial subjects. His art is heavily influenced by the use of media such as the internet and generative artificial intelligence, reflecting on the contradictions and uncertainties experienced in such contexts. Suzuki’s journey from Hokkaido to Tokyo for his education, along with the decentralized nature of real-time information available on the internet, has fueled his keen interest in questions of reality—"When I was in Hokkaido, information from the urban center felt fictional; yet my experiences on the internet were real because they were so immediate." Inspired by digital imagery, Suzuki uses painting to construct and blur the boundaries between the real and the virtual, allowing viewers to oscillate within their own memories and emotions.
In 2009, Suzuki won the Gold Acrylic Award at the art festival "GEISAI#13" organized by Takashi Murakami. In 2021, he was selected by Emilia Yin, founder and director of the gallery "Make Room," for the Guest Curator Program of the art platform "Foundwork." The same year, he was also named one of the "Artists to Watch in 2021" by the art platform "ArtConnect." In recent years, his works have been exhibited internationally, including solo exhibitions at the gallery "ACKERMAN CLARKE" in Chicago, an online solo exhibition hosted by the gallery "Edel Assanti" in London, and participation in the "NADA" (New Art Dealers Alliance) Miami Art Fair.